Teca Prestige

Abdominal SP600

Abductor SP170

Adductor SP160

Advanced Chest Press SP590

Advanced Hack Squat SP180

Advanced Leg Press SP190

Arm Curl SP730

Bench Shoulder Press SP580

Chest Press SP630

Chin - Dip Assist SP570

Deltoid SP540

Dorsi Pecto SP560

Gluteus Medium SP300

Gluteus Press SP310

Lat Pulldown SP500

Leg Curl SP110

Leg Extension SP100

Low Rowing SP620

Lower Back SP610

Peck Deck SP520

Pulley SP510

Pullover SP640

Rear Delt SP550

Rotary Torso SP670

Rowing SP530

Seated Leg Press SP200

Shoulder Press SP660

Sitting Calf SP150

Sitting Curl SP210

Standing Leg Curl SP120

Vertical Traction SP650

Adjustable Bench FP460

Adjustable Bench FP465

Chin Dip Abdominal FP670

Crunch Bench FP630

Decline - Sit-Up Bench FP610

Hack Squat Plate Loaded FP240

Hyper extension 45° FP490

Leg Press PL FP250

Oblique Flexor FP600

Panca Alta FP420

Panca Bassa FP430

Panca Scott FP640

Shoulder Bench Press P440

Simple Bech FP450

Supine Bench Press FP401

Connection Bridge OT011

Lat Pulldown SP784

Lat Pulldown and Pulley SP783

Pulley and Pulley SP785

Triceps and Lat Pulldown SP781

Triceps and Pulley SP782
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